Dachshunds are a playful dog breed, they always show love and affection towards their owner. They always try to lick and kiss you as a sign of affection towards the owner.
But their love can be stinky sometimes because of their bad breath, it’s a common issue in all the Dachshunds.
This bad odor problem can be caused by various reasons from several health conditions to simple dental issues that you have been neglecting.
Diagnosing and understanding the reason behind their bad breath is the best way to ensure your puppy’s healthier and happier life.
In this article we are going to discuss the causes and prevention strategies to deal with dachshund’s bad breath, so sit back relax, and read the full article.
Reasons Behind Dachshunds Bad Breath

Dachshunds are prone to developing oral bacteria, tartar, and plaque that produce unpleasant odors that happen when the owner is not serious about their dental hygiene.
If not taken care of properly, diseases like periodontitis and gingivitis can be seen causing bad breath problems.
Gingivitis can cause unease with swelling and inflammation of gums and if not treated sooner it may lead to periodontitis and further may become the cause of breaking and falling of teeth.
As an owner you have to be careful what your dog eats, foods & treats that are difficult to digest or sticky can be trapped between your pup’s teeth and after some time the residual food will start to decay and eventually promote bad breath.
Dachshunds are notorious canines who love to chew everything from toys, balls, couches, beds, car seats, or treats.
But sometimes while playing they might ingest small pieces of toys made of plastic or rubbers that can get stuck in their mouth or stomach causing infection and leading to bad breath and several other diseases.
Triggering Medical Conditions
In other cases your pup might be facing some health conditions that you are not aware of, it can be because of liver disease, kidney disease, and many more.
These conditions can alter your pup’s digestive system and the power of processing waste materials, resulting in bad odor.
Symptoms For Bad Breath in Dachshunds
Sometimes when your pup seems to be producing an excessive amount of saliva or drooling excessively, it can be the start of dental and oral health issues, in this case, you need to seek help from professionals.
If your dachshund showing signs like touching their mouth with paws frequently and feels irritated, it’s because they are suffering from pain due to dental problems.
Difficulty in chewing food and feeling pain is a noticeable symptom that ultimately leads to dental or oral problems.
Sudden weight loss can be indirectly part of some oral problems, if not then it can be due to some unknown health problem that should be addressed as soon as possible for your dachshund’s well-being.
How To Prevent Bad Breath In Dachshunds

The most effective way to fight bad breath is by regularly brushing your dachshund’s teeth, it not only prevents bad odor but also improves your pup’s dental health. Use a high-quality toothbrush and paste that is made of non-toxic ingredients specially designed for dogs.
Some chew toys are found effective in cleaning teeth and also reduce tartar buildup. Because of their small mouths they easily build plaque and tartar in their mouth which causes several oral issues.
We have already mentioned about dental chews in our guide “How to choose best toys for Dachshunds”.
However regular brushing is effective but sometimes it is important to get help from professionals to thoroughly examine your pup’s teeth for any tartar or plaque buildup or any other oral conditions, that might cause any health issues in the future.
A healthy and balanced diet is as important as brushing the teeth because it helps improve overall health and also prevents oral problems.
Treats containing excessive amounts of sugar are also bad for your dachshund’s dental health, it can be stuck in their mouth leading to bad breath, So you need to keep an eye on your pup when he eats food.
Monitoring your Doxie every time he plays with toys is crucial because they have the habit of chewing everything that comes within their reach, and when they tear apart the objects in tiny pieces they can get stuck in their mouth causing serious health issues.

Final Words
It becomes important to consult a veterinarian when you have tried all the tools and techniques but nothing seems to be working properly. Having a dachshund with bad breath is quite frustrating for both owner and pup.
But with regular brushing, dental care, a balanced diet, and following preventive measures you can give your pup a healthier and happier life.